Market Research and Planning
RothschildIMarketing Engine leverages our decades of market research and analysis to provide insightful, thorough answers to your toughest business questions. Our market planning and research services range from high-level market reviews, to analyses of tactical details.
With our proven experience in each of these areas, you get verifiable, repeatable results. Want to compare two different concepts? Simple. Want to benchmark versus existing products or category leaders? No problem. Want to explore a new category, and review financials versus investing in a current product line? We've done that.
Simply put, RothschildIMarketing Engine has the proven expertise to give you the insight that you need in order to win in the market. There isn't a business planning question that we haven't answered for our clients. Try us!
- Category Overview
- Market Sizing
- Category Opportunities and Unmet Category Needs
- SWOT Analysis
- Product Launch "Go/No-Go" Decisions
- Concept and Product Improvement
- Sales Forecasting
- Competitive Review
- Innovation Management
- Price Elasticity and Product Pricing
- Channel Tactics
- Customer Segmentation
- Marketing Plan Effectiveness and Promotional Analysis
- Sales and Marketing "Dashboards"